About Myself
Welcome to Hidetoshi Taya's homepage! I am a theoretical physicist, working on high-energy particle and nuclear physics. More details about my research can be found here (which is always the latest), or at INSPIRE, ORCID, Google scholar, Research map. For other information:
Name TAYA, Hidetoshi (田屋 英俊)
Nationality Japan
Career Assistant professor at Department of physics, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University (2024-)
← Special postdoctoral researcher at iTHEMS, RIKEN (2021-2024)
← Project assistant professor at Research and education centor for natural science, Keio University (2020-2021)
← Postdoctoral fellow at Department of physics, Fudan University (2018-2020)
← JSPS postdoctoral fellow at iTHEMS, RIKEN (2017-2018)
← Graduate student at Komaba nuclear theory group, The University of Tokyo (2012-2017)
← Undergraduate student at The University of Tokyo (2008-2012)
← High school student at Eiko Gakuen (2005-2008)
Contact Address: Department of Physics, Keio University, 4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8521, Japan
Email: h_taya[AT]keio.jp
(Expired: h_taya[AT]hep1.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp, h_taya[AT]fudan.edu.cn, hidetoshi.taya[AT]riken.jp)
Hobby Baseball, Bicycle, Drinking, Cooking, Collection of vintage items
(last updated on Sep. 20, 2024)
Oct. 18, 2024 Invited talk "Opportunities of strong-field physics in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions" at West lake workshop on nuclear physics 2024.
Oct. 3, 2024 原子核研究に「電場中の摂動的および非摂動的粒子生成過程における協調現象に関する基礎研究」という記事を寄稿しました。
Oct. 1, 2024 My research on generation of strong electric fields in heavy-ion collisions was featured at RIKEN highlight.
Sep. 22, 2024 Invited lecture "Initial state and early-time dynamics" at Hard Probes 2024.
Sep. 17, 2024 日本物理学会2024年秋季大会で「Schwinger機構をレーザー実験で見るためにはどうしたらよいか?」という招待講演をします。
Sep. 13, 2024 New paper "Optimal collision energy for realizing macroscopic high baryon-density matter" in collaboration with A. Jinno (Kyoto), M. Kiatazawa (YITP), Y. Nara (AIU).
Aug. 28, 2024 Invited talk "Vacuum HHG in strong-field QED" at Physics in Intense Fields (PIF24).
Aug. 22, 2024 Invited talk "Electric permittivity of the vacuum in a strong constant electric field" at The 1st workshop on New Opportunities of Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics.
Aug. 6, 2024 高エネルギー重イオン衝突の物理チュートリアル研究会で重イオン衝突の初期過程に関する招待レビュー講演をします。
Apr. 1, 2024 「中間エネルギー重イオン衝突における強い電磁場の物理」が科研費若手研究に採択されました。
Apr. 1, 2024 Moved to Keio University as an assistant professor.
Mar. 19, 2024 日本物理学会2024年春季大会にて「電場中の摂動的および非摂動的粒子生成過程における協調現象に関する基礎研究」という題目で招待講演(若手奨励賞受賞記念講演)します。
Feb. 28, 2024 New paper "Estimation of electric field in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions" in collaboration with T. Nishimura (Osaka) and A. Ohnishi (YITP). See also here for the supplemental GIF animations for the produced field.
Jan. 23, 2024 理化学研究所の基礎科学特別研究員成果発表会でポスター賞(物理学I分野)をいただきました(ポスターはこちら)。
Jan. 16, 2024 J-PARC-HIの物理を語る夕べで「中間エネルギー重イオン衝突でどういう物理系が実現できるのか?: JAMに基づく推定」という題目で招待講演します。

Past news (click to expand)

Nov. 27, 2023 Invited talk "Opportunities of strong-field physics in middle-energy heavy-ion collisions" at Sixth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan (Hawaii2023).
Oct. 23, 2023 日本物理学会若手奨励賞 (理論核物理領域) を受賞しました。
Aug. 30, 2023 KEK研究会 「熱場の量子論とその応用」で「強い電磁場の物理の最近の発展: Schwinger機構の研究を中心に」という題目で招待講演します。
Aug. 23, 2023 New paper "Kramers-Krönig approach to the electric permittivity of the vacuum in a strong constant electric field" in collaboration with C. Ironside (Curtin).
Jul. 10, 2023 Invited talk "Strong-field physics in heavy-ion collisions" at The 79th Fujihara Seminar: Prospects for High Field Science (PHFC2023).
Jul. 7, 2023 Invited talk "Electric permittivity of the vacuum in a constant electric field" at LPHYS '23.
May 22, 2023 New paper "Chiral anomaly in a (1+1)-dimensional Floquet system under high-frequency electric fields" in collaboration with K. Fukushima (Tokyo), T. Shimazaki (Tokyo), and Y. Hidaka (KEK).
May 1, 2023 レーザー研究51巻5号「超高強度場の科学」特集号に「高エネルギー重イオン衝突における強い場の物理」というレビューを寄稿しました。
Apr. 24, 2023 Plenary talk on the early-stage dynamics of heavy-ion collisions at ATHIC 2023.
Mar. 9, 2023 (いまさらですが)去年のSchwinger機構に関する1日レクチャー@早稲田高等研のノートをここにアップロードしました。
Nov. 17, 2022 武蔵野大学数理工学シンポジウムで『「無」から「有」をつくる: 素粒子物理学の視点から』というシンポジウム講演をします。
Oct. 6, 2022 Invited talk "Strong-field physics in heavy-ion collisions" at Reimei Workshop "Polarization phenomena and Lorentz symmetry violation in dense matter".
Aug. 29, 2022 Physics in Intense Fields (PIF22) will be held. I contributed the organization as a member of Advisory Committee.
Aug. 22, 2022 赤松さん(阪大), 遠藤さん(東北大), 本郷さん(新潟大; chair), 藤井さん(ハイデルベルグ大)とYITP国内モレキュール型研究会「少数系の量子ダイナミクス」を催します。
Aug. 17, 2022 理研iTHEMSの非平衡ワーキンググループの活動として、藤井さん(ハイデルベルグ大)と岸根さん(放送大)の集中講義 @ Kobe SUURI COOL を催します。
Aug. 2, 2022 早稲田高等研でSchwinger機構に関する1日レクチャーをします。
Jul. 21, 2022 Invited talk "Enhancement of chirality production from the vacuum by time-dependent electromagnetic fields" at LPHYS '22.
Jul. 11, 2022 New paper "QFT approach to dressed particle processes in preheating and non-perturbative mechanism in kinematically-forbidden regime" in collaboration with Y. Yamada (Waseda).
May 18, 2022 New paper "Gyrohydrodynamics: Relativistic spinful fluid with strong vorticity" in collaboration with Z. Cao (Fudan), K. Hattori (Zhejiang), M. Hongo (Niigata), and X.-G. Huang (Fudan).
Apr. 24, 2022 数理で読み解く科学の世界2022というオンラインイベントで一般向けの講演をします(プレスリリース)。
Apr. 1, 2022 「強い電磁場における散乱・放射の素過程の定式化と高エネルギー現象論への応用」が科研費若手研究に採択されました。
Mar. 2, 2022 Wrote a review paper on strong-field QED "Advances in QED with intense background fields" with A. Fedotov (MEPhI), A. Ilderton (Edinburgh), F. Karbstein (Jena), B. King (Plymouth), D. Seipt (GSI), G. Torgrimsson (HZDR).
Feb. 8, 2022 My research on high-harmonic generation was featured at RIKEN highlight.
Aug. 3, 2021 国内モレキュール型ミニワークショップ「周期駆動系におけるカイラル量子異常」で「Floquet系でのカイラル量子異常と粒子生成」という題目で招待講演します。
Aug. 1, 2021 福嶋さん(東大; chair)、日高さん(KEK)、島崎さん(東大) と YITP国内型モレキュールワークショップ「周期駆動系におけるカイラル量子異常」を催します。
Jul. 20, 2021 Invited talk "Application of the Exact WKB Method to Particle Production and High-Harmonics Generation from the Vacuum" at LPHYS '21.
Jul. 1, 2021 Launched up a new research working group on non-equilibrium physics "NEW working group" at RIKEN iTHEMS, with M. Hongo (UIC), T. N. Ikeda (ISSP), M. Matsuo (UCAS), and S. Nakamura (Chuo).
May 26, 2021 New paper "Analytical WKB theory for high-harmonic generation and its application to massive Dirac electrons" in collaboration with M. Hongo (UIC) and T. N. Ikeda (ISSP)
Apr. 27, 2021 Invited talk "How time-dependent electric fields affect the Schwinger mechanism?" at QCD theory seminars.
Apr. 26, 2021 New paper "Hydrodynamic Attractor in a Hubble Expansion" in collaboration with Z. Du (Fudan) and X.-G. Huang (Fudan)
Apr. 1, 2021 Moved to iTHEMS, RIKEN as a special postdoctral researcher.
Apr. 1, 2021 Website launched!